Sunday, 14 July 2013

Gordon Museum Sketches, Part I

As mentioned in the previous post, here are the working sketches for the Gordon Museum project for my coursework.

On-and-off over the past 10 months, I have been based in/working at the Gordon Museum of Pathology in Guy’s Hospital near London Bridge, as part of my coursework. There, I started some research into the ceroplastic sculpts of Joseph Towne (1806-1079), an English moulageur and sculptor. There were a series of wax anatomical models of his (amongst other things you’d expect in a pathology museum) based in one of the rooms which were used as a starting point for creating work. Thus, these here sketches of the ceroplastic models of Towne.

They took a pretty long time to get reasonably correct, even in the basic preliminary contour/line drawing stage. And with the added caveat that we cannot take photos meant having to schedule the time to be in working from the display cases made the project pretty slow-going. In the end though, they turned out pretty nicely, with some of the sketches being turned into photoetches and intaglio prints.

Part two of this post continues with the last few sets of sketches (large double page drawings).